Reconnecting: Nature Therapy For Eating Disorders
Think about the last time you waited in traffic. Now, recall the last time you walked along a busy road. Next, think about the last…
“What was once impossible might very well be possible today. Do the impossible. ”
— Jenni Schaefer, Author of Life Without Ed
Think about the last time you waited in traffic. Now, recall the last time you walked along a busy road. Next, think about the last…
More and more is being understood about eating disorders and the brain every day. As…
We all have needs, but some people struggle more to communicate them than others. This…
At some point in your life, you have probably struggled to go to the bathroom…
Every once in a while, we all have harsh thoughts. You should have finished your…
Preparing for eating disorder treatment is stressful. Not only do you have to worry about…
Everywhere we go, we are prescribed an “ideal body weight”: From our elementary school weigh-ins…
The world of Western medicine is revolutionizing: medical professionals are starting to recognize the mind-body…
If you’re reading this post, then it’s likely that you’re probably struggling immensely with an…
Intuitive eating is the hot topic in both popular media outlets and eating disorder recovery…
Bipolar disorder is not the same as being “moody”, nor are the “highs and lows”…
Atypical anorexia is a relatively new eating disorder diagnosis that has people wondering: “What’s so…
So you’re contemplating — or actively seeking out — treatment for your life-threatening illness. Congratulations!…
Whether you are on a diet or struggle with an eating disorder, you probably have…
The road to recovery is mostly uncomfortable. At times, it’s even painful. But it does…
Eating disorders and autism, though seemingly unrelated to each other, actually have more in common…