“Eating disorders are like a weed. If you just cut it off at the top, given the right circumstances, it can come back. But if you dig deep and eradicate the roots, you can eliminate it altogether.”
— Dr. Anita Johnston
Evidence-based, trauma-informed holistic care on Maui, Hawaii.
Explore our environment of care through this video tour.
What We Offer
At our Maui Women’s Residential Program, we provide comprehensive treatment to address medical, nutritional, and therapeutic needs. Our highly trained staff are available 24/7 to provide individual support. Up to six groups on various topics are conducted daily and individual psychotherapy sessions are conducted 2-3x weekly and include trauma treatment when appropriate. Family involvement is encouraged and will be supported and included as needed.
Nutrition therapy is provided daily and includes supervised meals and snacks. Individual sessions with our registered dietitian are provided 1x weekly. Nutrition education groups also take place on a weekly basis and include meal outings when possible. Most meals are prepared by our in-house cook(s) who works in close correspondence with our dietitian in order to meet the nutritional needs of individual clients. As treatment progresses, opportunities are given for clients to practice self-portioning and eating independently.
Clients also have the opportunity to work with our psychiatrist as needed.
Residential Group Therapy sessions include:
Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)
Process Groups
Art therapy
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
Therapeutic Movement/Yoga
Nurse Education Group
Food & Feelings
Life Skills
Use of metaphor and storytelling